Welcome to the Nonsense! (About Me)

redhead roswell headshot

Hi, there! My name’s Kaitlin Gratia, a 20-something trying this blogging thing… for a second time. I didn’t keep up with it before. A little, because I was a couple years-deep into university, but mostly, I think, because I couldn’t narrow in on a niche, and that really bothered me. It was smothering. I was trying to build a space where I could write, but I never knew what it was that I really wanted to write about.

Well, it’s coronavirus quarantine right now and as a result, I’ve had a lot of time to think about it. I let my old URL expire after a year of not writing, and I have never been happy with that decision.

But with this quarantine, I suddenly have a lot of extra time on my hands– I say, despite the fact that I’m also trying to finish my last year of Undergrad right now… *sigh*. But finishing an (abroad) university degree during a global pandemic has given me a confidence boost. If we can survive this, I can get over my insecurities about blogging.

And so, I’m back with a brand new blog dedicated with a quote I came up with as a self-deprecating child: “please excuse my nonsense”. Once upon a time, it was a blanket apology of sorts for all my weirdness. But it’s not that anymore. I’m weird (don’t I know it?), but it’s not a bad thing. It’s a fun thing. It’s a who-I-am thing.

I grew up being told I could be anything and everything, and taking that to heart made it hard to select a single niche to blog about. I felt like I was restricted back to a box of one thing, and as hard as I tried to bend those walls, I soon realized those walls weren’t made of cardboard, but iron.

So, I’m crawling out of the box. Throw out the box. This blog won’t have a box. Maybe it’ll be a field with a lot of different coloured wildflowers. They don’t really match, but they’re very pretty in their own right. And from far away, I bet it looks nice.

So, I’m gonna try to plant a bunch of multicoloured flowers here. I hope you’re along for the ride!❤️️

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