I’m Moving! Where in the World Am I Going?

cropped version of this photo

I’m so excited to finally be able to share the news!

Where Am I Going?

I’m moving to South Korea!

More specifically, I’ll be right outside Seoul. I’m so excited to be able to explore and travel from the Seoul hub. COVID restrictions keep me from being able to leave the country while I’m there, but I’m sure I’ll find something to do. 🙂

When Am I Leaving?

I’ll be flying out on 18th October — so soon, soon!

Between now and then, I’m just doing a lot of cleaning and packing.

Why Am I Moving?

I have been hired for a teaching position. I’ll be teaching English at a hagwon, a private language school.

My contract start date has actually been pushed a few times due to construction delays on the new school building. But now, my arrival date has been settled I will quarantine for two weeks after flying internationally–obviously–before beginning training on November 1st.

I begin teaching on my own the following week.

What Does This Mean for the Blog?

All good things!

First and foremost, it means I’ll be able to keep a more steady schedule of posting. I’ll let you know on my Instagram what days I’ll be posting what.

Secondly, it means I’ll finally be able to fill out this blog’s sections. This post, for example, yes, is Career and #Adulting, but it’s mostly Travel. And I am thrilled to be talking more about traveling and living abroad.

So, YES — I am keeping this blog going! And I am overjoyed to be sharing this new adventure with all of you.


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